Each Year Level cohort has approximately 150 students, divided in 5 Core Groups for Years 7 - 10 with Years 11 and 12 classes based on individual student subject choices. Each Year Level has a PASTORAL LEADER who oversees the organisation and pastoral needs of their students. They are the contact person for non-curriculum issues parents may want to convey or request information on. The College also has two COUNSELLORS with whom students can meet or be referred to for personal or career counselling. Older students have also been trained as PEER SUPPORT contacts for younger students.
Students are also assigned to a HOUSE
Bernardino (Red) - a saint of Siena
Catherine (Gold) - our patron, also a saint of Siena
MacKillop (Purple) - Mary MacKillop
Ozanam (Green) - Frederic Ozanam, founder of St Vincent de Paul
Teresa (Blue) - Mother Teresa of Calcutta
Houses play an important role in the life of the school. Strong inter-house competition exists, based not only on the traditional Swimming, Athletics, Cross Country but on many other student activities organized during the year - Science Week, Siena Day, Red Faces, Tabloid Sports, Palio Races and lunchtime sports and cultural activities.
Each House is also responsible for a Lenten activity to raise funds for Caritas / Project Compassion.
Each House is divided into seven House Groups who meet daily, morning and afternoon, for Administration - roll marking, daily notices etc. These groups comprise students from Years 7 - 12 and enable younger students to form relationships with older students. Students stay with the same House Group for the duration of their time at Siena and are placed in the same House as their siblings.
Students have their voice on school affairs through the STUDENT REPRESENTATIVE COUNCIL (SRC) which is led by elected student leaders.

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